Sponsored by Allen Institute of AI

Usability Study on EarthRanger App

Understand the current patrol experience and generate suggestions for enhancing usability.

My Role

  • Moderator in Interviews
  • UX Design


  • Contextual Inquiry
  • In-person usability test


A team of 4 Human-Centered Design and Engineering Graduate Student

Project Timeline

Jan. 2024 – Mar. 2024 (10 weeks)


Finding #1



Users w/ Issue: 5

Users had difficulty identifying how to save a draft or submit a report. 

“folder is not a draft.”

– Participant 5

“I’m curious about this folder button.”

– Participant 6


Make it clear which are primary, secondary CTAs and what happens when the user clicks them

EarthRanger_Opportunity 1

EarthRanger is a software platform that integrates historical conservation data, assisting protected area managers, ecologists, and wildlife biologists in making informed operational decisions for wildlife conservation.

EarthRanger Software Solution

After meeting with our sponsor, the Allen Institute of AI EarthRanger team, we learned that there hasn’t been much testing done on the app. This presents a great opportunity for us to focus on improving the Android app experience.

Focus on enhancing the EarthRanger Android mobile app experience.

EarthRanger Team


Ideal Participants
  • Age: Mid- to late twenties
  • Education: Low to mid-level
  • Digital literacy: Low
  • Work environment: Very remote regions, away from family for extended periods.
  • Language skills: Limited English proficiency, speaks Portuguese, Spanish, French, or Swahili
  • Technological skills: Limited
  • Device preference: Android users
Hard to Recruit Ideal Participants

The app is used worldwide, so initially, we aimed to recruit participants closely matching our ideal profile. 

However, due to challenges in finding such participants, we adjusted our requirements as follows:

  • Age: Mid- to late twenties
  • Experience: Having  patrol experiences
  • Device preference: Have some Android device experience
EarthRanger Persona - Rangers
EarthRanger Persona - Rangers
EarthRanger is used all over the world
EarthRanger: Global Usage

Usability Test Method

In-person Moderated Usability Test

Our usability test used the contextual inquiry method to gain insights into how users completed tasks with the EarthRanger app in their natural environment.

Task 1

Live Tracking

Start and stop live tracking.

Task 2

Create Report

Start a routine patrol, start a report, save report.

Task 3

Save Draft

Create a report for a fire, save as draft, find the draft, save report.

Task 4

Create Report Offline

Turn on airplane mode, create a report for a fire, and save report.

Task 5

Save Draft Offline

With no internet connection, interact with saved drafts and pending sync.

Data Collection

Qualitative Data

Why & How to Fix

  • Behavior
  • Attitudes

Directly observe how participants use EarthRanger App to  complete tasks

Usability Test Data Collection EarthRanger

Quantitative Data

How Many & How Much

  1. Task Completion Rate
  2. SEQ (Single Ease Question) score
  3. System Usability Scale (SUS) Scores
  4. Time on Task

Affinity Mapping

Affinity Mapping

Task Completion Rate

SEQ (Single Ease Question) Score

SEQ Score
Some participants found tasks difficult initially but found them easy once they understood how to complete them.

System Usability Scale (SUS) Scores

SUS Score
The maximum SUS score was 92.5 and minimum was 55. The average SUS score is 70 which is acceptable.


Finding #1



Users w/ Issue: 5

Users had difficulty identifying how to save a draft or submit a report. 

“folder is not a draft.”

– Participant 5

“I’m curious about this folder button.”

– Participant 6


Make it clear which are primary, secondary CTAs and what happens when the user clicks them

EarthRanger_Opportunity 1

Finding #2



Users w/ Issue: 1

Participants have no way to cancel a report once starts.

“Folder icon at bottom right is unclear. Once I cliched it, it saved draft, but can’t unsaved. Not reversible.”

– Participant 2

“Clicked 3 times back to exit out. No clear exit flow.”

– Participant 2


Prompt users with options as they exit unsubmitted reports.

EarthRanger_Opportunity 2

Finding #3



Users w/ Issue: 1

One user had difficulty navigating to find Saved Drafts.

“…but after saving finding the saved draft can be hard.”

– Participant 3


Provide visual indicators to help guide users, such as notification with a red badge or an toast animation, to indicate the location of Saved Drafts

Finding #4



Users w/ Issue: 1

During offline tasks, participants found it difficult to confirm whether reports were saved and did not understand the terminologies to verify report status.

“I can say it’s saved but other apps usually show me where it is saved. …Finding the saved report can be hard. If I submitted it, why has it gone under pending sync?”

– Participant 5

“I cannot determine if I saved the report successfully. “

– Participant 6


  • Provide additional system feedback and documentation.
  • Display a toast notification confirming that the report has been saved and is moved to “Pending Sync” for synchronization once online.
  • Provide a link to the “Reports” page where users can view “Pending Sync” reports.

There are 5 more opportunities in the Usability Report.

Data Collection

Qualitative Data

Why & How to Fix

  • Behavior
  • Attitudes

Directly observe how participants use EarthRanger App to  complete tasks

Usability Test Data Collection EarthRanger

Quantitative Data

How Many & How Much

  1. Task Completion Rate
  2. SEQ (Single Ease Question) score
  3. System Usability Scale (SUS) Scores
  4. Time on Task

Affinity Mapping

Affinity Mapping

Task Completion Rate

SEQ (Single Ease Question) Score

SEQ Score
Some participants found tasks difficult initially but found them easy once they understood how to complete them.

System Usability Scale (SUS) Scores

SUS Score
The maximum SUS score was 92.5 and minimum was 55. The average SUS score is 70 which is acceptable.



Identified and prioritized usability issues, providing actionable recommendations for improving the user experience.

Successfully pivoted participant group to address challenging profiles and identified common usability issues in EarthRanger app.

The study provided both qualitative and quantitative data, aligning with feedback from the EarthRanger Team’s real users.

Next Time

Test More Specific Report Types

Expand the variety of report types tested to gain insights into a wider range of user interactions.

Test with Diverse Cultural Backgrounds

Test with participants from diverse cultural backgrounds to understand how different users interpret and interact with the app’s icons.

Test Tracking and Patrolling in Background

Evaluate the app’s performance when users track and patrol in the background while multitasking.


  • Overcoming Challenges: Unlike other groups that mostly did online usability studies, our group did in-person tests. This was challenging because we had to set up laptop recording and screen recording on Android devices. In two tasks, participants had to navigate the apps without internet connections. These challenges taught us the importance of thorough preparation before a usability test.