How to work with me

📒 Jan's Personal Handbook

Areas of Expertise

❤️  I’m deeply passionate about product research & design (I'd say it's a 4:6 love ratio between research and design).
❤️  With a background in design & marketing and some front-end coding skills, I empathize well with the needs of PMs, marketers, and engineers to bring products to life.
❤️  For a Gen Z-er, I’m quite patient and willing to spend time finding a balance that works for everyone.
❤️  I’m naturally curious about people and easily build good relationships with my team.
❤️  I’m great at divergent thinking, often coming up with out-of-the-box ideas—an idea generator, if you will.

How to Communicate with Me

💬 Preferred methods: In-person > Call > Text
💬 I find it helpful to jot things down or sketch during conversations—it enhances my memory.
💬 I thrive with deadlines. I’ll usually ask for them, but if I forget, feel free to remind me directly.
💬 I'm always open to constructive feedback. Just be gentle!

Things That Energize Me

A warm environment is always a source of energy for me!
✨ Casual chats about all kinds of topics.
💬 I love discussing design ideas and everyday life, and if we can talk about recent personal growth or new things we've learned, that makes me really happy.
✨ Being acknowledged for my efforts.
✨ A team where members trust each other and believe in one another's good intentions.
💬 When offering suggestions, I appreciate knowing that everyone’s focused on improving the product.

My Ideal Work Environment

🔸 I appreciate discussing clear goals, available resources, and deadlines in the beginning.
🔸 I appreciate suggestions, but I also value the freedom to explore different approaches.
🔸 Open communication is essential. Let me know if you need me to adjust my style. I’m very flexible and willing to accommodate.
You can say 💬 I’d prefer if the shared document were formatted this way so it’s easier for me to read. 💬 I’d feel more comfortable if you could update me daily on your progress

The things that prevent me from doing my best work are...

🥲 No.1: Lack of sleep or not feeling well. 😢 Having my ideas immediately shut down without discussion. 🥲 Disagreements that lack logical reasoning.
Disagreements are okay, and lack of logic is okay too, but when both happen together, it’s hard to conclude.😕

Something people may misunderstand about me...

My work style can vary depending on the project. I'm adaptable and always looking for ways to collaborate effectively.
➡️ When working with people who don’t have strong opinions, I may come across as more assertive because I want to push the discussion forward. However, I’m always open to listening to everyone’s suggestions—feel free to interrupt me.
➡️ When collaborating with people who have strong opinions or are assertive, I might appear more reserved. But if you’d like me to take on more responsibility, just let me know directly.

Talk to me about...

I’m up for talking about anything! I love chatting 🖐
💏 Relationships, marriage, parenting
🎬 TV shows (especially Netflix dating reality shows from Japan, Korea, the US, Brazil, India, Israel, the UK, and Australia—I’ve watched them all)
🖥 UX, the tech industry, and various industry insights
🧘 Meditation, tarot cards, MBTI, astrology
🎮 Games (Pokémon, LOL, Switch, Minecraft)

Let's get in touch!

Whether you want to share an interesting project, collaborate to create something people need, or simply say hello – I’m always happy to chat.